Boston to Havana


Departure Flights
DailyDepart Boston 7.05 a.m.Arrive Havana 10.20 p.m.
Returning Flights
DailyDepart Havana 6.10 a.m.Arrive Boston 8.15 p.m.
ClassAdult Child
One way FareEconomy Class$656 USD$656 USD
Business Class$1177 USD$1177 USD
Round trip FareEconomy Class$533 USD$533 USD
Business Class$2354 USD$2354 USD

All flights operate via Mexico City.

Pricing is based on seat availability. As the plane fills up, the price goes up.

High season pricing is $30 USD more per person.


Checked luggage allowance:

Economy Class – 2 pieces of 50 lbs. each piece

Business Class – 3 pieces of 50 lbs. each piece

Not included:

Phone for an accurate quote on taxes

Airplane: Boeing 737


Departure Flights
DailyDepart Boston 9.23 a.m.Arrive Havana 7.09 p.m.
Returning Flights
DailyDepart Havana 8.48 a.m.Arrive Boston 6.25 p.m.
One Way FareEconomy Class$656 USD$656 USD
Business Class$1177 USD$1177 USD
Round trip FareEconomy Class$533 USD$533 USD
Business Class$2345 USD$2354 USD

All flights operate via Panama City.

Pricing is based on seat availability. As the plane fills up, the price goes up.

Travel on weekends is $40 more


Checked luggage allowance:

Economy Class – 2 pieces of 50 lbs. each piece

Business Class – 2 pieces of 70 lbs. each piece

Business Class – Star Alliance Gold – 3 pieces of 70 lbs.

Not included:

Phone for an accurate quote on taxes

Airplane: Boeing 737